Super Quick Spinach Salad

Spinach salad is a great option for a quick lunch or dinner. Start with spinach and then add hard boiled eggs, purple onion, tomatoes & bacon.

Spinach is the perfect base for a salad because it is high in niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folatecalcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese.

It only take a few minutes to chop and assemble all of the ingredients, especially if you take advantage of some of the following shortcuts:

  • Bagged Baby Spinach
  • Pre-Cooked Bacon Slices
  • Store Bought Hard Boiled Eggs

Perhaps the easiest part of this recipe was the shortcut for the dressing. I used a Roasted Raspberry Chipotle Marinade as the base and added just a teaspoon of EVOO and a couple tablespoons of red wine vinegar. Mix well and set aside until you are ready to dress the salad.

I added fresh sliced tomatoes and purple onion to the other ingredients and then topped it with the dressing. My husband actually ate 2 helpings! This is the man who previously would only eat a salad made with iceberg lettuce. He said that the dressing made the salad. It was a great combination of sweet and tangy that paired perfectly with the spinach salad.

You could very easily add grilled chicken, shrimp or salmon to this salad to make a complete meal. I hope that you enjoy!